International Credit Reports

Reduce your cross border trading risk with Creditsafe International Company Checks
Choose Reliable International Trading Partners

Get to know all the essential information of a company before establishing a commercial relationship and keep a close eye on your existing international customers. Our International Company Reports will assist you in determining a company’s financial stability and payment behaviour.
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Benefits Delivered
Check credit standing of companies from around the world
Creditsafe has on file insights on over 365 million international companies from around the world. Over 500,000 customers worldwide rely on Creditsafe reports in making credit decisions.
Quality and reliable information
Creditsafe operates from 16 offices globally and has a vast network of local partners from around the world. This enables Creditsafe to access high quality and dependable information.
Instant delivery of up to date information
In 99.9% of the cases, Creditsafe will hold up to date information on the company you require details on. Where details are not available, Creditsafe will freshly investigate the company and provide a report.
Make well informed decisions
All major global credit insurers endorse Creditsafe’s credit scores and limits, giving you peace of mind when dealing with cross border trading partners.
Most frequent questions we get answers
Types of core business data included in Creditsafe reports: basic company information, business type, group structure and linkages, years in business, annual sales amount, legal filings, possible OFAC, historical data, trade payment history, standardised credit scores and more. Creditsafe sometimes needs to gather information from other local sources so the information may vary country by country.
When a company report is not available to view online you have the opportunity to freshly investigate a business. Once this request is received, we will attempt to contact the company directly using our network of local partners and official registries to provide a detailed report within as little as 2–10 working days.
Creditsafe collects data from over 200 sources; Where possible information is collected from a local registrar of companies. A network of 16 offices and trusted local partners allow Creditsafe to collect information locally, ensuring high quality and up-to-date information is delivered each time.
Creditsafe international database reports are updated in real-time, over 1 million times a day.
Not all countries use a 1-100 score; using an A-E score makes it easier for you to compare the credit risk of companies from across different countries. A is the lowest risk, D is the highest risk and E is unrated.
Get in touch

Get in touch with us to understand how CreditSource can help you manage risk better
How To Read A Creditsafe Credit Report Effectively
When pulling a credit report, it’s key to know exactly where and what you should be looking for. Being able to read a credit report effectively and efficiently will be a huge factor in improving your overall decision making process.
Incorporate Due Diligence Into Your Credit Policy
What does due diligence truly mean, how does it inform your onboarding process, how does it affect your long-term accounts, and how can it help further the overall company objectives? Watch in the webinar to learn from your peers.
Understanding Creditsafe's COVID-19 Impact Score
Has your business been impacted by COVID-19? Learn what Creditsafe is doing to help customers with COVID-19 related data and impact and how you can leverage this complimentary tool to reduce your business risk.
Automating Your Credit Decisions With Check & Decide
In this session, we will explore how easily companies can automate their existing credit policies with the click of a button. Transform carefully planned policies into instant decisions that save time and maximize profit.