Ecperienced (11)

Public Sector due diligence

See how our solutions can help find partners with the required financial strength to complete public sector contracts


Choosing Reliable Trading Partners

CreditSource Public Sector solutions are tailored for government entities to choose contractors with confidence. Our Assessment Reports will allow you to choose the right trading partners and mitigate the risk in dealing with companies that do not have the right financial capability.

We have a range of solutions offering the required insights at pre-qualification, shortlisting, ongoing monitoring of panel members and comprehensive assessment of large and strategic contractors.


Our Solutions Are Tailored For..

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Efficiently shortlisting suitable new suppliers or contracts
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Ensuring tenders and contracts are granted to companies with the right financial standing
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Ensuring contractors have the financial standing to see your contracts through
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Mitigating the risk of lengthy contract re-negotiations and costs arising from failed contracts
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Continuously monitoring of panel members to ensure they remain financially viable

Get in touch

Get in touch with us to understand how CreditSource can help you manage risk better.